Summer Fishing Report

Summer Fishing Report

What a difference a year can make. Last spring saw some very tough fishing conditions with little water to fish. This year is more fertile due to good rain and has seen more fish and better size comparisons.

Some of the lower-level streams like the Moonbah, Jacobs and the Pinch have been fishing better than last season. The Moonbah in particular had a good head of larger Browns, but they are super spooky.  Good Stalking and smaller flies with a long leader are necessary, these small flies have been working well, Emerges, Black Ants and Elk Hair Caddis.


The Thredbo.

Plenty of smaller fish to be caught in the Thredbo with upper and lower both fishing well. Fishing pressure in the usual spots like Paddy’s Corner and Bullocks hut should see you walking just a little further than usual to find some less wary fish. Good flies again are small and natty. Caught up with a Queenslander who had great success with a Manic Tackle Later Skater Caddis and a Tungsten Hare and Copper Flashback dropper.



Probably best to fish in the evening on the turn of light, have seen success fishing calm water out of the wind were spinners are emerging. Flies like Haysies Possum Emerger, Bushy's Emerger and small Black Wullfs are good for surface or stripping thought the rising fish with Mick Hall Tadpole or a little Black Stone Fly for a reaction strike.


As the weather warms up into December look for the higher river to start firing the Gungarlin, Snowy, Guthega and Eucembene have all the best fishing ahead especially when the Hoppers come on

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